作者: 魏昀   来源: 陕西师范大学 年份: 2009 文献类型 : 学位论文 关键词: 唐朝   疆域   羁縻府州   屯田   交通  
描述: th about three of culture and materials the country's territory changed a lot. The country's territory was in an extending period before and the An-Shi Armed Rebellion, and once extended to the Central Asia area.At the same time, the Tang government founded the Ji-Mi-Fu-Zhou system in the Western Regions. The situation changed rapidly when the An-Shi Armed Rebellion broke out. Then the central government mobilized the troops in the Western Regions to participating in putting down the Rebellion, so the border defence was weakened. Tu-bo took the chance to occupy a large amount of territory. Almost Long You Area was oppupied by Tu-bo later in Tang Dynasty. The thesis is divided into five chapters: political geography circumstance in northwest area in early Tang Dynasty,including the situation of physical geography and the nation regime; the political geography situation in the extending period of territory from Tai Zong to Gao Zong;the political geography situation in the stable period of territory from Wu-zhou era to An-Shi Armed Rebellion;the political geography situation in the shrinking period of territory after An-Shi Armed Rebellion;relationship between the change of political geography situation and economy and traffic. Conclusion: From A.D. 7th to 9th century,Asia-Erope Continent was a place where Tang, Da-shi and Tu-bo contended for political space. The country's power of politics, economy and military strengthened before An-Shi Armed Rebellion, and part of the Central Asia area belonged to Tang government. The territory reached to an unparalleled scale at that time, which can be divided into three parts: the capital area where Chang-an and Luoyang were located in was the empire's center of politics, culture and military; the Zheng-zhou that around the captals was where the finance of central government stemmed from; the Ji-mi-fu-zhou system Tang government founded in the frontier area was the military buffer zone with nation regimes in vicnity. At the same time, Tu-bo appeared in the stage of history in A.D 7th century. After the King Song-zan-gan-bu unified the Tibet plateau, Tu-bo's power strengthed rapidly and harassed Tang's frontiers inceasingly. The Tang government put the defense police actively into effect so as to resist Tu-bo's aggression and defend country's benefit in Long-you area. When An-Shi Armed Rebellion broke out, Tu-bo took the chance to occupy vast territory of Tang Dynasty, like Minzhou, Lanzhou, Kuozhou, Guazhou, and so on. Eventually, almost all Long-you areas belonging to Tang Dynasty was occupid by Tu-bo. In the field of geopolitics, the national power strengthened in the earlier stage of Tang Dynasty and stronger than Tu-bo. Tu-bo didn't have the strength contending with Tang Dynasty, even harassed the frontier once a while. Until the An-Shi Armed Rebellion, the Tang government had no more advantage and the national power was weakened.
全文:唐代是中国历史上的鼎盛王朝之一。唐王朝近三百年历史,在创造了无与伦比的物质和精神文明的同时,国家的疆域也发生了剧烈变化。以安史之乱为界,唐前期,国家的疆域处于一个不断扩展的时期,唐王朝的势力范围曾一度到达今天的中亚地区,并在那里建立了羁縻府州体系,国家疆域的范围达到了空前规模。随着安史之乱的爆发,形势急转,中央政府抽调边兵前往内地参与平叛。吐蕃势力趁唐朝西北边备空虚之际,不断蚕食唐土。唐军虽然组织了抵抗,但面对日益强大的吐蕃,已是强弩之末。到唐后期,陇右地区几乎都被吐蕃占有,双方的边界仅维持在陇山一线。 本文分为五部分,第一部分介绍唐初西北地区的政治地理格局,包括自然地理概貌和民族政权的分布情况:第二部分论述太宗至高宗朝疆域扩展时期的政治地理格局,包括唐初进军西域之初、西突厥旧地的羁縻府州化和葱岭以西地区的羁縻府州化三节;第三部分论述武周至安史之乱前疆域稳定时期的政治地理格局,包括驻防体系、政治地理格局分析和安史之乱前疆界的伸缩三节;第四部分论述安史之乱后疆域退缩时期的政治地理格局,包括安史之乱对西北地区政治地理格局的影响、归义军献图归唐与疆界西移两节;第五部分论述政治地理格局变动与经济交通的关系,包括唐代西北屯田和西北交通两节。通过以上五部分的论述,重点探讨疆域变化在地理空间上的表现、唐政府在对陇右地区实行有效统治时期的行政建置和驻防体系、以及民族关系对疆域变动的影响等问题。 最后得出的结论是:公元七到九世纪的亚欧大陆是唐、吐蕃、大食三方竞相角逐的时代。从太宗到玄宗开元时期,国家的政治、经济、军事实力处于上升阶段,疆土不断西进,最强盛时包括今天中亚的阿姆河、锡尔河流域都纳入到了唐朝的势力范围,并在葱岭东西建立了羁縻统治体系。此时的唐朝疆域可以划分为三个圈层,一是长安和洛阳所在的两京地区,作为帝国的都城,既是全国的最高权力所在,又是政治、军事和文化中心;二是都城四周全国范围内编户齐民的正州,这些地区是中央政府的财富来源地:三是唐在边疆地区建立的羁縻府州系统,成为与周边民族政权对立时期的军事缓冲地带。这一时期,吐蕃登上了历史舞台,松赞干布统一西藏高原后,吐蕃实力逐渐壮大。吐蕃崛起并不断侵扰唐朝,为抵御侵略,维护陇右河西地区的安定,唐朝实行了积极的防御政策,有效的阻止了吐蕃的不断进攻。安史之乱爆发后,唐政府抽调安西兵力前往内地平叛,造成边备空虚。吐蕃先后攻陷了岷、兰、廓、河、鄯、洮、岷、秦、成、渭、甘、肃、瓜、西州以及北庭都护府,趁机占有了唐朝的大片领土,陇右地区几乎全部被吐蕃占有,使唐后期的西部边界仅维持在陇山一线。从地缘政治的角度看,唐朝方面从高祖到玄宗开元时期,国力处于上升阶段,开元时达到鼎盛,较之大食和吐蕃的实力,唐朝占有明显的优势,吐蕃虽然偶尔有侵扰唐朝边地的举动,但并不具备与之抗衡的实力。直到公元751年怛逻斯战役,崛起的大食与唐帝国发生了正面的军事冲突,四年之后的安史之乱,更使得唐在与吐蕃、大食的角逐中的优势不复存在。由此,唐朝在政治军事上开始处于“守势”,已不能与唐前期的国家实力相提并论。
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