作者: 刘雯   来源: 西北农林科技大学 年份: 2009 文献类型 : 学位论文 关键词: 青海地区   自然灾害   历史时期   社会效应  
描述: e distinctive features in Western and Eastern of Qinghai's natural disaster in history which based on the historical materials and studied the Interaction Relationship Between the natural disasters and social-economic development, we used the theory and analysis method from the research area of disaster history and agricultural history, try to have a comprehensive investigation between the natural disasters and social-economic development in the history of Qinghai. Firstly, we divided Qinghai into two parts: the eastern and the western, under the study of the geographical features of Qinghai. We summarized the natural disaster of the eastern part mainly as flood, drought, hailstone and frost with distinctive features of variety, continuity and growth accompany while the western is mainly as earthquake and snow disaster with distinctive features of unexpected and severity. Secondly , as the great influence on agriculture and the resulting changement in agriculture is most profound, so the progress in agriculture sciences is related to withstand the natural disaster in some ways. The paper discussed the natural disasters affected Qinghai's agriculture in history, from the aspect of seed selection 、 production 、 processing and storage to invest the development of mitigation techniques in this area. And for the livestock we investigated in two sides bred of livestock and prevention of livestock, furthermore we invested the mitigation techniques which full of geographical characteristics. Thirdly, the article investigated the relationship between natural disasters and the economic fluctuation in Qinghai from the perspective of the change in population and grain price. And then, we analyzed the influence on regional industrial structure from the aspect of expansion in rural areas, the relationship between agriculture and animal husbandry, disaster-relief crop introduction and the structure of animal species. In the view of pastoral economic exchange, we studied the interaction relationship between the natural disasters and economic development. Finally, we studied the interaction relationship between the natural disasters and social development in Qinghai. What is more, we analyzed the policy which includes grain storage, relieved and help the people in disaster , reduced taxes to control the disaster in history. We wish these could be helpful to the prevention and control of natural disasters in Qinghai today.
作者: 张健   来源: 陕西师范大学 年份: 2009 文献类型 : 学位论文 关键词: 安康地区   清代   自然灾害   应对措施  
描述: significance.
全文:历史灾害研究与当今社会有着千丝万缕的联系。从历史地理学角度探讨历史灾害问题,有着十分重要的学术和现实意义。以往有关历史时期安康地区的研究,多集中在明清时期的流民入山和山地开发上,偶有对区域环境问题和环境灾害的研究也只是零星寄寓其它内容之中,专门、系统地对历史灾害研究并不多见,至于对灾后的社会应对——清廷和地方官府赈灾救荒的研究内容更为少见。而对该区域清代水旱灾害频发与大量外来流民垦殖两者之间的相关性分析,有利于加深认识环境变迁和人类活动的互动关系。基于此,本文以历史时期灾害复原为切入点,通过对清代安康地区诸多地方志资料的查阅、解读和分析,深入考察区域历史灾害概况、特征、时空分布、影响和灾害社会应对等问题。 文章整体归结为两个问题:一为灾害概况、影响、特征与成因,以灾害发生为中心;二为灾害的应对,包括灾后的拯灾救荒与灾前的防灾备荒,以应对措施为中心。全文分为四章,内容大体如下: 第一章为绪论。该部分主要是阐述本选题的总体认识和宏观把握,主要介绍选题依据、本研究的时空界定、相关研究评述,以及研究思路、方法、意义。 第二章主讲孕灾区概况与灾害的影响。该部分以各类灾害发生的背景、状况和影响为中心展开。就孕灾区概况而言,文章从自然环境、人文环境、灾害概况三个方面对孕灾区的环境背景进行了论述和探讨,总结出了清代安康地区水、旱、地震、风、雹等灾害发生的特征,即:反复性与伴生性,区域不平衡性,成灾范围大、影响程度深等。就灾害影响而言,表现为消极和积极两个方面。消极方面主要为:区内人口巨大伤亡,城防、田舍、水利设施的严重损毁,民众伦理精神的极端扭曲与区域社会秩序混乱。积极方面主要表现为:在持续不断的灾害冲击之下,人们环保意识开始萌发。 第三章主讲灾害的特征与成因(以水灾为例)。通过分析,得出结论:水灾是安康地区发生频率很高且危害最大的一种灾害,为典型的暴雨型洪水灾害。从时空分布上说,清前期水灾集中在安康、紫阳、白河及旬阳等县;清中期水灾发生较少,持续将近一个多世纪;清后期水灾与清前期相似,仍大致集中在安康、紫阳、白河及旬阳等县。另外,清前期水灾发生突变性强于后期;而清后期的水灾次数则较前期多,且涉及区域广,灾害的影响也较重。从灾情和致灾原因上说,清代安康地区水灾频频发生,严重危害了人民的生命和财产安全,主要表现为粮食减产与绝产、道路冲毁、田庐漂没、人口损减、环境问题和环境灾害凸显。灾害形成主要有自然和社会两方面因素,其中以社会因素为主导。自然原因表现在气候、地貌、地表覆被状况、河流水文等方面,社会原因则主要表现为“流民”涌入改变了清代安康地区的人口增长与分布状况,垦殖政策的实施产生了各种环境效应。具体表现为:流民“涌入”引发了大规模的人类活动,从而使区域景观由自然景观向着人文景观方向发生巨大转变,同时对区域生态环境产生较大冲击,导致环境问题突出(水土流失为主)和环境灾害的频发(水灾为主)。 第四章主讲灾害的应对。整体内容以灾害的主要应对措施为中心展开。就灾后救荒而言,清代安康地区拯灾救荒的基本程序主要有报灾、勘灾、审户、赈济等环节;主要措施包括抚恤、蠲免、缓征、赈济、平粜、捐输(劝输)、借贷、遏籴、安置流民以及备荒(防灾)等。可以说,清代已经形成了一整套比较完善、固定的程序,基本上已经走上制度化、固定化和法制化的轨道。和清中前期相比,该区清代中后期才真正是古代荒政比较完善且实施力度较大的时期。就灾前备荒而言,其措施涉及诸多方面,本文论述则以仓贮和水利设施两个方面为主要对象展开。在仓贮方面,文章对三类仓库(以常平仓和社仓为主)设置规模与灾害发生和影响进行了探讨;在水利设施方面,灌溉设施是随着历史变迁不断发展变化的,主要表现为:超过一两千亩以上的大中型水利设施持续发挥作用;与“流民”涌入而引发“垦殖扩张”相对一致,以灌溉、御水为功能的水利设施在数量上不断增长;山区灌溉“堤堰”的建造呈现出“型号趋小与数量增多”的趋势。
作者: 彭莉   来源: 西北农林科技大学 年份: 2009 文献类型 : 学位论文 关键词: 明清时期西北地区   自然灾害   农业   农村   农民  
描述: cultivation development process to be especialty difficult, frequent occurrence of multiple disasters, the development of the Northwest Territories are important constraints, the reduction of agricultural land, agriculture, the substantial loss of population, agriculture, infrastructure damage, agricultural ecological environment and the poor. Based on this, the north-west areas of the process of agricultural drought introduced varieties, select a variety of agricultural disaster mitigation technology. In this paper, the Northwest Territories to explore the Ming and Qing Dynasties of natural disasters on agricultural production hazards, damage the rural economy and livelihood of the affected farmers. By the six parts.
全文:、选择多种农业减灾抗灾技术。本文主要探讨明清时期西北地区自然灾害对农业生产的危害、农村经济的破坏和农民生活的影响。由六部分组成。 第一章,绪言。阐述选题的目的和意义。结合国内外有关明清时期西北地区灾害
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