作者: 牟雪松   来源: 青海师范大学 年份: 2010 文献类型 : 学位论文 关键词: 西北地区   汉代   屯田  
描述: governors of HAN Dynasty. The policy was carried out in most area of the west and the north. In DONGHAN Dynasty, it also appeared in the inner area. The thesis is to tell opening up wasteland and analyses the origin and features of opening up wasteland to get the conclusion: Opening up wasteland in ancient times began in War times and was developed fully in HAN Dynasty. Opening up wasteland in northwest area of HAN Dynasty was only a comprehensive policy to defend the country, including the content of politics 、 military and economy. It was t not for the people but for the country. The policy was spread and lasted for a long time. In economy, it promoted the development of agricultural economy in northwest area by bringing new tools and ways of farming, which also joined the relationship between the central area and the northwest. In politics, it laid a solid foundation for the unity of northwest area and the victory against HUN. In culture, it advanced the communication and joint among different races. Meanwhile, it was a base for opening up wasteland by troops and common people in Cao Wei period.
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