作者: 刘俊玲   来源: 青海师范大学 年份: 2010 文献类型 : 学位论文 关键词: 河西   汉代   开发   文明  
描述: ral environments make the cultural dissemination possible. In archeological materials we can see plenty of Neolithic culture and Bronze culture,which may be nomads. Ywati, Wusun, Hun were lived here.Befor Han Dynastie ,the area was regarded as wild and woolly place.the Hun sprang up during Qin and Han Dynastie, Gansu Corridor became more and more imporant in military and politics affairs. After the establish of Western Han Dynasty ,the imperium rehabilitated for tens of years . Emperor han wudi change the plant to the Hun. I n the second year of yuanshou of Emperor han wudi(121BC),Huoqubing go on an expedition to Gansu Corridor,and wan,because the Hunye king killed the Xiutu king . The Hunye king surrenderred and leaded his man about 40000 .This is significant to the history of culture diaaemination. From then on,Han culture hold the dominant position in the war.The pattern of dissemination were war,politics and valueas.And the policy which Han made decision of the dissemination and the speed. After long time Interaction,the two change the hisroy of this area.Although some rejection and degradation happened,the new trail was certainty. Agricultural civilization took new tools to the area,and finally the Silk Road was freely.It made a contribution to culture dissemination.However,the aggressive e x p a n s i o n m a d e t h e immigrate and armies too huge,and led the crisis of ecologyand resource. Qiang civilians uprising during the Eastern Han Dynastie made the land desertificated. The process was not at one stroke,but a long time. Rely on force was to set up a unified ,multinational country.
全文:河西走廊位于农耕文明和游牧文明的交叉地带,具有文明传播的特殊的自然和人文基础。据考古资料显示,河西走廊曾经创造了丰富多彩的新石器和青铜文化,孕育了游牧经济。大月氏、乌孙和匈奴先后在河西活动。汉代以前的河西被视为蛮夷之地,秦汉时期随着匈奴的崛起,河西开始显示其军事政治的重要性。西汉建立后,随着几十年的休养生息,内地经济实力的增强,从汉武帝开始对匈奴的战略发生根本变化。元狩二年(公元前121年)汉武帝命霍去病将兵远征河西,匈奴浑邪王杀休屠王,率部四万余人归汉。河西归汉在汉文明传播河西过程中起着里程碑式的意义。从此,汉文明在与游牧文明的对峙中开始居于上峰,并通过军事传播、政治传播、文化传播来开拓这一新的农业区。传播方式既有激烈的战争,循序渐进的政治体制移植,也有潜移默化的农业文化、价值观的传播。可以说,居于文明传播主导地位的汉王朝的军事、政治、文化政策决定了文明传播的速度和方向。游牧民族和汉族通过物质上和精神上的长期磨合,开创了河西农业文明的历史。尽管在接触和磨合的过程中出现了文明的拒斥与文明的退化,但是在总体上河西仍朝着一个新的历史轨迹前进。 农业文明向河西传播的过程带去了先进的生产技术,建立了新的生产技术体系,同时也保证了丝绸之路的畅通,为中外文明传播作出了积极的贡献;但是,农业文明的大肆扩张,也使得河西出现了前所未有的生态和资源危机。随着河西屯田的进行,移民和戍卒大量涌入这个资源原本并不丰富的地区,水资源、森林、草原资源被人为的破坏,河西开始荒漠化。到东汉后期,羌民起义,农耕民族有退出河西之举,抛弃屯田,这样荒漠化进一步推进,为河西的生态发展带来隐患。 文明的传播不是一蹴而就的,而是一个漫长的历史过程。汉代河西开发在很大程度上是靠武力来实现的,因此不免存在着代表先进生产力的强势民族对生产水平低下的弱势民族的压制,而总体上这种传播是文明的同化——一体化和统一的多民族国家的建构。
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