作者: 刘雯   来源: 西北农林科技大学 年份: 2009 文献类型 : 学位论文 关键词: 青海地区   自然灾害   历史时期   社会效应  
描述: e distinctive features in Western and Eastern of Qinghai's natural disaster in history which based on the historical materials and studied the Interaction Relationship Between the natural disasters and social-economic development, we used the theory and analysis method from the research area of disaster history and agricultural history, try to have a comprehensive investigation between the natural disasters and social-economic development in the history of Qinghai. Firstly, we divided Qinghai into two parts: the eastern and the western, under the study of the geographical features of Qinghai. We summarized the natural disaster of the eastern part mainly as flood, drought, hailstone and frost with distinctive features of variety, continuity and growth accompany while the western is mainly as earthquake and snow disaster with distinctive features of unexpected and severity. Secondly , as the great influence on agriculture and the resulting changement in agriculture is most profound, so the progress in agriculture sciences is related to withstand the natural disaster in some ways. The paper discussed the natural disasters affected Qinghai's agriculture in history, from the aspect of seed selection 、 production 、 processing and storage to invest the development of mitigation techniques in this area. And for the livestock we investigated in two sides bred of livestock and prevention of livestock, furthermore we invested the mitigation techniques which full of geographical characteristics. Thirdly, the article investigated the relationship between natural disasters and the economic fluctuation in Qinghai from the perspective of the change in population and grain price. And then, we analyzed the influence on regional industrial structure from the aspect of expansion in rural areas, the relationship between agriculture and animal husbandry, disaster-relief crop introduction and the structure of animal species. In the view of pastoral economic exchange, we studied the interaction relationship between the natural disasters and economic development. Finally, we studied the interaction relationship between the natural disasters and social development in Qinghai. What is more, we analyzed the policy which includes grain storage, relieved and help the people in disaster , reduced taxes to control the disaster in history. We wish these could be helpful to the prevention and control of natural disasters in Qinghai today.
作者: 李永翎   来源: 中央民族大学 年份: 2010 文献类型 : 学位论文 关键词: 文化影响   西平   历史时期   交通  
描述: mpared with the Silk main road. With the concept of sustainable
全文:在古代丝绸之路的研究中,对丝绸之路青海道的研究重视不足,无论从研究数量,还是研究成果,都无法与丝绸之路主干道相比较。而随着可持续发展观及生态意识的出现,丝绸之路在通畅阶段对沿途地区的环境及生态的负面影响在学术界引起了争鸣。客观、公正地评价丝绸之路,在不回避丝绸之路确有消极作用的同时,肯定它对沿途地区的的积极影响应该是我们对丝绸之路的基本态度。 本文通过对古代文献和现代考古资料的搜集、整理、分析,认为自汉武开疆扩土,丝绸之路青海道既是汉军进兵主要路线,羌族逼迫撤离西平湟中地区的逃离路线,也成为了汉族迁徙进入河湟地区的主要通道。汉族进入西平湟中地区,改变了过去地区单一民族的状况,出现了各民族间的交流与合作。汉族移民不仅带来了先进的生产工具和成熟的农耕技术,带来了富有经验和技能的大量劳动力,而且带来中原注重仁义礼仪的儒家文化。统治者的重视、私塾的盛行、官办学校的出现、文化大儒的出现,使得在中原战乱、局势难平的混乱时期,河西地区的文化却因相对稳定的地区局势而大受其益。大批高官显贵、俊儒奇才陆续前来避难,河西地区在成为中原文化的寄宿地的同时,也在潜移默化地影响着河西文化的形成。而移居西平的大家族,在相对稳定的西平湟中地区得到了发展壮大,在魏晋南北朝时期,积极参与河西地区的政治角逐,影响着该地区的政治走向和区域稳定。秃发鲜卑自河西走廊迁居西平湟中地区以来,对地区的社会发展和文化进步影响深远。来自东西方的商旅僧侣带来了佛教,而统治者的重视和提倡,使得西平地区成为佛教重要的传播地区。 研究以确凿的事实证明,在两汉至魏晋南北朝时期,通畅的丝绸之路青海道不仅促进了西平地区的民族融合、文化整合,而且促进了地区的社会发展和经济繁荣。研究表明交通条件在地区开发中的重要作用,这有助于强化我们对当前基础设施建设的重视,而在早期开发中,出现的民族矛盾、文化冲突现象,对我们今后开发西部少数民族地区及区域移民将提供宝贵的经验和历史教训。
作者: 蔡泉   来源: 西北农林科技大学 年份: 2001 文献类型 : 学位论文 关键词: 西部地区   历史时期   农区变迁  
描述: 本文所谓西部,是现代划分法,包括了陕甘宁青新、云贵川藏渝等十个省、自治区和直辖市。 西部地区是我国的农业发源地之一。由于其重要的军事意义,早在两千多年前的周秦时期,内地王朝已开始以关中为核心农区,对广阔的西部疆域进行拓边、开发,其间历经几起几落。本文从农区衍变的角度出发,引用生态经济学和历史地理学的
全文:,进而总结出其中的规律性,为本地区在今之“西部大开发”中的进一步发展提供历史的启迪和根据。 本研究的主要结论有: 1历史时期的西部农区开发,呈现出时间上的不连续性和地域上的不平衡性,农区与牧区不断迭
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