作者: 刘瑶瑶   来源: 兰州大学 年份: 2010 文献类型 : 学位论文 关键词: 海西汉族移民   文化变迁   民族关系  
描述: mic development. The fourth chapter discusses the change of marriage culture from aspects of ethnic intermarriage, uxorilocal marriage and village marriage. The fifth chapter mainly investigates and analyzes present situation and characters of Han immigrants' religion belief on Tibetan Buddhism, discusses fusion between Han's folk custom and Tibetan Buddhism. The sixth chapter detailed describes the process of funeral ritual, and illustrates characters and function of funeral ritual. The seventh chapter chooses six variables, namely inhabitation pattern, individual communication, language use, religion belief, national consciousness and social distance, to comprehensively considerate ethnic relation, furthermore concludes the characters of ethnic relation and puts forword several suggestions. The eighth chapter is concluding remarks to this topic, which discusses characters and trends of Han immigrants' cultural change, and concludes characters,influencing factors and tendency of ethnic relations in Haixi immigrant region. Haixi Autonomous Prefecture of Qinghai province lies at northern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Most areas are alpine and hypoxia, and natural condition is very bad, which is unfit for agriculture production, so it has been the habitation of nomadic minority groups. As the border area, the past dynasties continuously recruited and migrated Han immigrants to Haixi region to open up waste land and garrison the frontier in order to maintain national stability and secure territorial integrity. For thousands years, in order to improve living environment, develop economy and build multiple cultural
全文:青海省海西州地处青藏高原北部,大部分地区高寒缺氧,自然条件十分恶劣,不适宜农耕生产,因而自古便是游牧少数民族的聚居地。作为边疆重地,自汉代起,历代中央政府不断从各地招募和迁移汉族群众到海西地区屯田戍边,以达到维护国家安定与保卫领土完整的目的。千百年来,一代一代的汉族移民同当地少数民族一起为改善海西地区的人居生存环境、发展海西经济、构建海西多民族文化体系作出了不可磨灭的贡献。新中国成立之后,无论是政府组织移民,还是自发性移民,海西地区移民的数量和规模都是空前的。在同当地蒙、藏等少数民族共同生活的几十年里,汉族移民在生计模式、婚姻文化、宗教信仰、丧葬文化等方面发生了巨大的变迁。 本文以乌兰县铜普镇四个移民村为考察对象,通过调查村落中汉族移民文化变迁的典型性来展现海西州汉族移民文化变迁的历程,并以村落中汉族与其他少数民族之间民族关系现状来反映海西移民地区民族关系的整体状况。 全文由八章构成,大致可分成三部分。 第一部分为绪论,论述本研究的整体背景,阐明本论文的研究意义,概述本选题的相关研究现状,并在此基础上对本文的研究方法、写作思路、相关概念与调查点的选择理由分别进行说明。第一章概述了调查地点的自然生态环境、历史沿革、各民族等基本情况。第二章对民国至解放后海西地区汉族移民的来源、类型、迁移原因等问题进行了梳理,并以此为背景对铜普镇汉族移民的情况进行了探讨。 从第三章到第七章为本论文的主体部分,主要由对田野资料的具体分析构成。第三章对汉族移民生计模式的变迁过程与原因进行了阐述,在此基础上详尽探讨了汉族移民多元化的生计模式和当地经济发展中急需解决的几个问题。第四章主要从族际通婚、招赘婚姻、村内通婚三个方面对当地汉族移民婚姻文化变迁进行了分析。第五章对于汉族移民藏传佛教信仰现状与特点进行调查分析,并对藏传佛教与汉族移民民俗的互动、融合进行了论述。第六章对当地汉族移民丧葬仪式过程进行了详细说明,在此基础上探究了汉族移民丧葬仪式的变迁特点及其功能。第七章通过选取居住格局、个体交往、语言使用、宗教信仰、民族意识与社会距离等六个变量,对当地民族关系现状进行了综合考量,进而探讨当地民族关系的特点,并对如何促进民族关系良性发展提出几点建议。 第八章为本论文的结语,总结海西地区汉族移民文化变迁的特点、影响因素,预测汉族移民文化变迁的未来走向,并对海西移民地区民族关系的特点及其发展趋势进行展望。
作者: 张向红   来源: 西北师范大学 年份: 2010 文献类型 : 学位论文 关键词: 河西州县城   唐代前期   城防  
描述: ch as the important town of the Silk Road, multi-ethnic coexistence and the border district administrative center. In order to ensure normal exchange between the East and the West, frequent contact among ethnicities, and effective administration in He-xi area, it was extremely essential to establish city defense. Therefore, the Tang government built the city defense system that was mainly military defense and based on social balance. Mainly included the screen protective system of Army, Shouzhuo, City, Town, Shu, etc., which had some focal point and very wide and located out of the cities; Three layers external protective system that was composed of a deep ditch to round every city, sheep and horses cities, city wall; Multiple structure system such Luo city(outer city), Zi city(inner city), fang(residential area), Shi(markets), and so on; Garrison inside cities and out of locality system; Feng, Yi and other information systems; General's office person of ability system; Warehouse reserve and social balance system. Because of the important geographical position strategic and the special social security problem, the He-xi Prefecture and county city defense had formed Trinity characteristic with the national defense and the security defense. The city defense soldiers had a hand in Tuntian to bring about He-xi area’s agricultural advance; A large number of people of city defense formed the consumer market, had promoted the prosperity of the commerce; The city defense ensured traffic and military assistance, made He-xi Prefecture and county cities become the rear base to administer Central Asia. However, the city defense had its limitation, such as impotent military might at times (it offered an opportunity of Tibetan expanded in north-west area), because of the condition between the country and the locality. It, to a certain extent, had influenced on the valid function of city defense.
作者: 李丽   来源: 石河子大学 年份: 2010 文献类型 : 学位论文 关键词: 戍边   关系   兵团   屯垦  
描述: a crucial componen t of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous region that is under the command of the autonomous region's party committee. Its major task is to develop the local economy and to partially perform administrative and legal functions towards the corps reclamation area. It is a special political, eC01101111C, militaristic and social organization with a long history. It is also undertakes the important task of implementing strategies for production and for territorial border control. Such implementation influences both regional and national economic substantiality and social stability. This article attempts to analyze the relationship between production and border control while exploring the possible solutions for existing problems within the region, based on a historical perspective. There are three chapters in this article. The first chapter introduces the history of agricultural development and border trooping, based on the practical experiences of Han, Tang, and Qing Dynasty. The second chapter analyzes the dichotomy of agricultural production and border trooping. Border trooping needs daily rationing from agricultural production. Meanwhile, agricultural production is conditioned by border trooping. Border control is the goal ensured by agricultural productivity. However, the status of each element differs in different eras. They are the two inseparable elements. In the third chapter, the author discourses the means of adjusting border control and production according to the latest domestic and international situations. Since the socialist economic system is perfecting itself, Chinese mentality is experiencing significant changes. At the same time, the international situation changes tremendously which makes the strategic status of the region become more and more important. The production and border control mission is facing new challenges because of ethnic separatists, terrorists, and religious extremists. The article is going to provide some constructive suggestions, based on the mentioned factors. Under historically new conditions, Bingtuan, as an important part of Xinjiang, as well as a politics-military-united organization, is carrying out new tasks. To accomplish such tasks, one needs to comprehend the relationship between agricultural production and border control correctly, that is to continue both elements' growth in a firm manner. Now, the corps development is at the door step of a new historic entrance. Therefore, Bingtuan needs to increase the speed of growth of its economic society in order to perform a better contribution to the country.
全文:新疆生产建设兵团(以下简称“兵团”)是新疆维吾尔自治区的重要组成部分,它实行党政军企合一的领导体制,在自治区党委的统一领导下,以经济建设为中心,依照国家和自治区的法律、法规,对所辖垦区行使一定的行政、司法管理职能,是执行屯垦戍边历史使命的特殊的政治、经济、军事、社会组织。兵团是历代屯垦事业的延续和发展,是我党屯垦戍边战略的伟大创举。 屯垦戍边事业关系到新疆乃至全国的经济发展和社会稳定,处理好这两者的关系有着重大意义。本文结合历史和现实对屯垦与戍边关系进行了较为系统的分析,并对新形势下如何处理好这一关系进行了探讨。论文第一章重点对汉、唐、清三代关于屯田与戍边关系的认识和实践进行了分析;第二章论述了屯垦与戍边的辩证关系,认为二者是对立统一的关系,戍边需要屯垦来维持,屯垦则以戍边为前提,戍边是日的,屯垦是手段,但在不同时期屯垦与戍边的地位和作用有所不同,离开戍边讲屯垦或离开屯垦讲戍边都是错误的;第三章论述新形势下如何处理屯垦与戍边的关系,认为在新形势下,社会主义市场经济体制不断完善,人们思想观念思维方式发生了深刻变革,新疆周边国际环境显著变化,新疆战略地位大幅度提升,国内外“三股势力”猖獗,屯垦戍边事业面临着新的挑战,论文针对这一新的形势,对如何处理好二者关系提出了一些建设性的意见。 在新的历史条件下,兵团作为新疆的重要组成部分,作为党政军企合一的特殊组织,担负着更为艰巨而光荣的历史重任。要完成这一历史使命,就必须正确把握屯垦与戍边的辩证关系,坚持屯垦戍边两手抓,两手都要硬。当前,把屯垦戍边事业不断推向新的、更高的发展阶段,是摆在兵团人面前的重大历史课题。加快兵团经济社会发展,更好地完成戍边的使命是兵团必然的抉择。
作者: 刘俊玲   来源: 青海师范大学 年份: 2010 文献类型 : 学位论文 关键词: 河西   汉代   开发   文明  
描述: ral environments make the cultural dissemination possible. In archeological materials we can see plenty of Neolithic culture and Bronze culture,which may be nomads. Ywati, Wusun, Hun were lived here.Befor Han Dynastie ,the area was regarded as wild and woolly place.the Hun sprang up during Qin and Han Dynastie, Gansu Corridor became more and more imporant in military and politics affairs. After the establish of Western Han Dynasty ,the imperium rehabilitated for tens of years . Emperor han wudi change the plant to the Hun. I n the second year of yuanshou of Emperor han wudi(121BC),Huoqubing go on an expedition to Gansu Corridor,and wan,because the Hunye king killed the Xiutu king . The Hunye king surrenderred and leaded his man about 40000 .This is significant to the history of culture diaaemination. From then on,Han culture hold the dominant position in the war.The pattern of dissemination were war,politics and valueas.And the policy which Han made decision of the dissemination and the speed. After long time Interaction,the two change the hisroy of this area.Although some rejection and degradation happened,the new trail was certainty. Agricultural civilization took new tools to the area,and finally the Silk Road was freely.It made a contribution to culture dissemination.However,the aggressive e x p a n s i o n m a d e t h e immigrate and armies too huge,and led the crisis of ecologyand resource. Qiang civilians uprising during the Eastern Han Dynastie made the land desertificated. The process was not at one stroke,but a long time. Rely on force was to set up a unified ,multinational country.
全文:河西走廊位于农耕文明和游牧文明的交叉地带,具有文明传播的特殊的自然和人文基础。据考古资料显示,河西走廊曾经创造了丰富多彩的新石器和青铜文化,孕育了游牧经济。大月氏、乌孙和匈奴先后在河西活动。汉代以前的河西被视为蛮夷之地,秦汉时期随着匈奴的崛起,河西开始显示其军事政治的重要性。西汉建立后,随着几十年的休养生息,内地经济实力的增强,从汉武帝开始对匈奴的战略发生根本变化。元狩二年(公元前121年)汉武帝命霍去病将兵远征河西,匈奴浑邪王杀休屠王,率部四万余人归汉。河西归汉在汉文明传播河西过程中起着里程碑式的意义。从此,汉文明在与游牧文明的对峙中开始居于上峰,并通过军事传播、政治传播、文化传播来开拓这一新的农业区。传播方式既有激烈的战争,循序渐进的政治体制移植,也有潜移默化的农业文化、价值观的传播。可以说,居于文明传播主导地位的汉王朝的军事、政治、文化政策决定了文明传播的速度和方向。游牧民族和汉族通过物质上和精神上的长期磨合,开创了河西农业文明的历史。尽管在接触和磨合的过程中出现了文明的拒斥与文明的退化,但是在总体上河西仍朝着一个新的历史轨迹前进。 农业文明向河西传播的过程带去了先进的生产技术,建立了新的生产技术体系,同时也保证了丝绸之路的畅通,为中外文明传播作出了积极的贡献;但是,农业文明的大肆扩张,也使得河西出现了前所未有的生态和资源危机。随着河西屯田的进行,移民和戍卒大量涌入这个资源原本并不丰富的地区,水资源、森林、草原资源被人为的破坏,河西开始荒漠化。到东汉后期,羌民起义,农耕民族有退出河西之举,抛弃屯田,这样荒漠化进一步推进,为河西的生态发展带来隐患。 文明的传播不是一蹴而就的,而是一个漫长的历史过程。汉代河西开发在很大程度上是靠武力来实现的,因此不免存在着代表先进生产力的强势民族对生产水平低下的弱势民族的压制,而总体上这种传播是文明的同化——一体化和统一的多民族国家的建构。
作者: 牟雪松   来源: 青海师范大学 年份: 2010 文献类型 : 学位论文 关键词: 西北地区   汉代   屯田  
描述: governors of HAN Dynasty. The policy was carried out in most area of the west and the north. In DONGHAN Dynasty, it also appeared in the inner area. The thesis is to tell opening up wasteland and analyses the origin and features of opening up wasteland to get the conclusion: Opening up wasteland in ancient times began in War times and was developed fully in HAN Dynasty. Opening up wasteland in northwest area of HAN Dynasty was only a comprehensive policy to defend the country, including the content of politics 、 military and economy. It was t not for the people but for the country. The policy was spread and lasted for a long time. In economy, it promoted the development of agricultural economy in northwest area by bringing new tools and ways of farming, which also joined the relationship between the central area and the northwest. In politics, it laid a solid foundation for the unity of northwest area and the victory against HUN. In culture, it advanced the communication and joint among different races. Meanwhile, it was a base for opening up wasteland by troops and common people in Cao Wei period.
作者: 栾晓丽   来源: 陕西师范大学 年份: 2010 文献类型 : 学位论文 关键词: 石羊河流域   农业开发   明清时期   环境变化  
描述: In history;the central and local separatist all valued the development of this area. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties,with the renewed fighting in the northwest, coupled with the rapid growth of the national population, In order to consolidating border defense and detenting Mainland population pressure,the land development of this area resumevted,which impacted histoy development of this area very profoundly Academic research in this area is more included in the academic research for the whole Hexi area or the entire northwest region, special articles in this area are also mainly concentrated in the lower reaches of Shiyang River, but these research the upper, middle and lower reaches of the river as a whole rarely,the connection among the three is.very close essentially.So this object has larger space to continue researching. This text includes introduction and body text.the introduction introduces the writing causes ,implication,and retrospects intellectual history, explains research objectives,Methods and important and difficult points of this object at the same time.The body text divides into six chapters.The first chapter analyzes the natural conditions and social infrastructure in this area.The second chapter mainly deals with immigration status which Ming and Qing government organize and encourage the population in the mainland move to this area,which provides manpower resources for agricultural development in this area,and this chapter discusses effectiveness of the immigration.The third chapter discusses construction of water conservancy which agricultural development requires,and summarizes pearls and pitfalls of water conservancy construction in this area during this period.The fourth chapter mainly deals with agricultural development in this area during the Ming and Qing dynasties,This chapter begin by the reasons for agricultural development and policies which the government urge and offer for, discusses region of agricultural development, reclamation success and evolution of tonden in this area during this time.The fifth chapter mainly discusses environmental problems that because of large-scale development in this period,and analyzes performance, hazard and measures that local people inoder to protecting the environment had taken.The sixth chapter summarizes experience and lessons those because of large-scale development in this period during this time,and explains inspiration for today's development. Research of this object is primarily based on literature of the Ming and Qing Dynasties and local records, and notes data that through field visits get, in order to make the discussion Speci.ficly and reasonably.
全文:位于河西走廊东部的石羊河流域是河西三大内陆河流域之一,其军事地理位置重要,历代中央王朝和割据于此的地方势力都十分重视对本区的开发。明清时期,随着西北战事再起,加上这一时期全国人口数量的急剧增长,为了巩固边防、缓和内地人口压力,本区的土地开发再一次兴起,这对本区的历史发展产生了深远影响。 学术界对本区的研究多包涵在对整个河西地区乃至整个西北地区的研究当中,专门研究本区的文章也主要集中在下游地区,很少把上、中、下游作为一个整体来研究,三者之间的联系本来就很紧密,所以本课题仍有较大的研究空间。 本文包括绪论和正文两大部分,绪论主要介绍了本课题的选题理由、意义,并对学术史进行了回顾,同时说明本课题研究目标、方法和重难点以及主要创新之处。正文分六章,第一章交代了明清时期本区农业得以再次大规模开发的自然条件和社会基础;第二章主要论述了明清时期政府组织及鼓励内地人口向本区的移民状况,这为本区农业开发提供了所必需的劳动力资源,同时论述了移民的成效。第三章探讨了农业开发所必需的水利建设问题,并总结这一时期本区水利建设的经验和教训。第四章重点论述明清时期石羊河流域的农业开发,从农业开发原因及政府对当地农业开发的督促、优惠政策等入手,探讨了这一时期本区的农业开发区域及垦殖成效和当地屯田的演变发展等问题。第五章主要论述了因这一时期大规模开发而带来的环境问题,探讨了环境问题的表现及危害,并探讨了当地人民为保护环境所采取的措施。第六章进行总结,总结明清时期石羊河流域大规模开发的经验与教训,并说明其对今天本区开发的启示。 本课题主要依据明清文献和当地的方志进行研究,同时注意实地考察所获资料,以期使研究具体、合理。
作者: 周建   来源: 西北师范大学 年份: 2010 文献类型 : 学位论文 关键词: 设置   作用   建制   职责   西汉   西域都护   考述  
描述: office term likely from the BC20 to BC18. Moreover, a Xiyu Duhu named Qing and he worked during AD1
全文:公元前20年至公元前18年。此外,尚有一个名为“青”的西域都护存在,其任期约在公元1年至公元3年。 最后,笔者对西域都护的职责和历史作用进行了考证,认为“护国”是西域都护的主要职责,“护道”和保障
作者: 石亮   来源: 兰州大学 年份: 2010 文献类型 : 学位论文 关键词: 干旱区   黑河流域   明清及民国时期   绿洲化与荒漠化时空过程  
描述: had been also analyzed. The results showed that: 1. In the early Ming Dynasty, the study area had
全文:如下几点: 1.明朝占领黑河流域初期就开始了对这一地区的大规模开发,人工绿洲规模迅速扩大,此后人工绿洲规模开始逐渐萎缩;嘉靖至万历年间,明朝政府重整屯田,人工绿洲规模逐渐恢复并有所发展。 2.清朝时期
作者: 肖文清   来源: 兰州大学 年份: 2010 文献类型 : 学位论文 关键词: 河州   明代   岷州   洮州   军屯  
描述: y, military and culture in Ming Dynasty。The research on military farming of the Ming Dynasty played the vital role of leading as to the research on the outline the history of the Ming Dynasty. The Military Farming in three states-- He Min and Tao-in Ming Dynasty, as the epitome of the Ming Dynasty Northwest military Farming, has its characteristics. He Min and Tao military farming not only has the common characteristic of that period, but also has its unique distinguishes, because which is located at the junction of the Han and other ethnic groups, within the area lived many ethnic minorities. In this paper, the author analyzes the relevant historical materials and uses theories and methods of history and ethnology to explain the origin, development, characteristics of the military farming. And the author discusses the reasons why they declined in the later years and the impacts in a detailed and intensive way. Based on local historical dates and combined with the same period dates, the article analyze mainly the differences among the three states from its preparation, operation, function and impact aspects and deal with the military system of the Ming Dynasty, migration, defense policy, minority administration and policy, economic strategies.
作者: 熊帝兵   来源: 南京农业大学 年份: 2010 文献类型 : 学位论文 关键词: 农家   民生   农业史   传统文化  
描述: od of Warring States (475-221 B.C.), attracting scholars' attention and becoming one of important schools then. After Qin Dynasty, scholars determining to study agriculture carried forward good traditions of Non自is in the Period of Warring States, enriched researching contents and fields, and enabled Non自is to develop in depth. In finial, those determining to study agriculture formed a group with researching agriculture as its distinguishing feature. What the group researched included agricultural ideologies, techniques of farming and cropping, methods of operation and management, measures of fighting and preventing agricultural calamities. The whole group showed its own styles in valuing agriculture and concerning people's livelihood. And those agricultural ideologies, science and technology, methods and spirits composed Nongjia's culture, the cream of which can afford us lessons to solve today's new problems.
全文:中国古代农家以农名派,战国时曾因与儒家论战而引人注目,在百家争鸣中形成了独特的主张和观点,并跻身于“九流十家”。秦以后有志于农者继承和发扬了先秦农家的学术研究传统,逐步充实研究内容,拓宽研究领域,使农家的学术研究不断向纵深发展,最终形成以传统农业生产为主要研究对象的学术群体,其研究内容涉及农学思想、农业生产技术、农业经营方法、防灾救灾措施等诸多方面;整个群体还表现出重农务本、关注民生的学术风格,形成了独特的农家文化,其中精华部分在新时期仍有重要现实意义。 古代文献中,《汉书·艺文志》首述农家,并设“农家”类收录先秦及汉代农家著作。此后的史志、公私书目和大型丛书都继承和发展了这一分类方式,直至《四库全书》。历代学者对农家多有定义,一致肯定农家与农业技术研究有密切关系。有学者直接指称汉代以后的有志于农者为农家,也有学者自称农家,可见,农家发展的历史跨度不仅仅局限于先秦,而是一直延续至清中期。农家正式形成于战国,以许行为标志,形成了自己的学派,并参与了“儒农论战”。农家在先秦获得较大发展,其游学范围经历了由楚→宋→鲁→齐→秦的变化。两汉相对较短的历史时期内出现了较多农家,他们继承和发展了先秦农家文化,取得丰硕的研究成果。魏晋至唐末,农家虽然不多,但出现了划时代人物贾思勰,其在农家文化的发展中起着承前启后的重要作用,隐士开始融入到农家群体之中。宋元时期,农家又一次集中出现于较短的历史时期,南方农业技术得到系统总结,而且出现了南北技术融合的趋势。史至明清,农家学者身份多样、研究成果卓著、研究内容广泛而深入,使古代农家文化发展到前所未有的高度。 农家在研究农业生产的同时留下了丰富的著作。因农家学者身份复杂,有在朝的地方官员和朝廷要员,也有在野的隐士和平民,不同的身份使得他们研究农业技术的条件不同,撰写农书的方法、目的和农书的指导范围也有区别,因此,根据农家的身份把农书归为平民所撰农书、地方官员所撰农书和“高官”所撰农书三类具有一定意义。尽管农家身份背景各异,但他们撰著农书的主要动机大体相同:资政重本、总结农业技术和指导农业生产,只是所站的角度和高度不同而已。不同农家学者撰写农书时的资料来源也有共同之处,主要来自文献搜集、亲身实践和调查采访,但各有侧重,在朝为官的农家长于文献搜集;隐士和平民农家则更注重对自己农业生产实践经验的总结;调查采访则是所有农家共同使用的方法。随着农家的发展,农家著作的内容逐步由单一趋向丰富,最终涵盖大农业的各个领域;农家著作的结构也由简单逐步走向完善和成熟。众多农家著作主要以手抄和官颁的方式流传至近代,甚至流传至国外。近代以后,主要农家著作均得以整理和出版。 中国古代农家在研究农业的过程中表现出较强的思想性。“三才”理论是农家的重要指导思想,“三才”思想中的“人地”关系和“人天”关系的地位随着农家的发展不断变化,其中的“人天”关系逐步得到强化,经历了“时至而作,渴时而止→趣时→顺天→盗天→合天→胜天”的变化过程。农时方面,农家在沿用常规指时方式的基础上,还以作物生长过程、土壤特征指时,并把多种指时方式综合运用,以更准确把握生产时机。农家所谓农时既包括农忙之时,也包括农闲之时,从总体上分为春耕、播种、中耕、秋收、冬藏“五时”,“五时”之下又细分上、中、下三时,形成了系统的农时内涵。农家还揭示出农时与农业收成、产品质量、灾害以及生产效率之间的关系。土地用养结合思想和农业生产“三宜”原则也随着农家的发展而不断充实和丰富。在系统的农学思想指导下,农家更注重农业技术问题的研究,农业技术也是农家著作的主体内容;农家主要集中于总结土地利用、土壤耕作、作物栽培、林业园艺、蚕桑、畜牧兽医、农产品加工以及农具的改进与制造等诸多技术,涉及农业生产的各个环节。这些贡献受到学者的高度评价和认可。 在农业经营管理方面,农家强调重农务本,认为农业是衣食之本、财富之源,关系国家兴衰和社会稳定,对社会道德风尚也有重要影响。因此,农家建议国家应注重农业政策性和导向性的宏观管理,地方政府保障和督促农业生产。农家特别强微观层面的农业家庭经营管理,主张在有限的规模上合理安排农事和劳动力从事多种集约经营,在提高效率的同时也增加了经济效益,并总结了细致的家庭经济核算方法。各种农业灾害严重影响农业生产的过程,农家长期把农业生产实践与研究相结合,能够从自然规律的本身认识农业灾害的概念、种类,相对准确地揭示出灾害产生的原因和所导致的严重危害。基于对农业灾害的科学认识,古代农家总结出了一系列防灾、减灾措施,突出了水利防灾优势,在水利工程、用水技术和提水工具的运用方面多有总结。农家更强调以技术抗灾,总结出了一系列抗水旱灾害的农业生产技术;提倡以物理、生物或化学等手段防治农业生物灾害;充分发挥人的能动性,趋利避害以预防低温、风灾等。针对灾害频发的现实,农家还强调多种经营、储备节用,积极发掘备荒食物以减少灾年饿殍遍野之患。 古代农家在农业研究中始终秉承着民生关怀的传统和精神。竺可桢先生指出5000年历史中曾经历过四个寒冷期。其中后三个寒冷期,灾害频发、社会危机严重、民不聊生,农家也相应出现了三个活动高峰。就个体来看,大多数可考的农家都有过艰苦的生活经历,且都具丰厚的儒学背景,环境和个人因素的综合作用激发了农家对民生的高度关注。古代农家在农学著作和相关文集中以文、论、诗、画等不同方式记录着当时民生疾苦的状况,涉及对百姓生命的关注,对百姓负担沉重的慨叹和对百姓苦累的悲悯。实践上,为官的农家注重解决百姓生产和生活难题,站在百姓的立场上为官施政,并保障人民生活和生产的有序进行;在野的农家囿于地位,只能著书传道,为民生艰难而呼号,并提出丰富的改善民生的措施和建议。古代农家的民生关怀精神和实践有的在当时就受到人民的肯定,有的则为后世学者所认可。在关注民生的过程中,农家逐渐形成了民生思想,关注焦点集中于民食、民利、民命、民财等方面。 随着历史的变迁,古代学者对农家的评价经历了“完全否定→逐渐认可→完全肯定”的过程,“农家”类在古籍中的排序也呈逐步上升趋势,这都反映出古代农家历史地位的上升。而近代学者对农家的认识却存在一定局限性,未能给予客观评价。事实上,农家文化源远流长,农家与儒家、道家、医家等各种文化相互影响和交融,共同构成中国传统文化的基础,而重农务本,器道并重,关注民生则是农家文化的显著特色。农家文化中的用养结合、灾害防治、循环经营等技术经验对当前发展可持续农业、有机农业和生态农业都具有重要的借鉴价值。农家文化中的农学思想、集约经营思想以及重农思想对当前贯彻科学发展观、建设社会主义新农村以及构建和谐社会等仍具有重要启示意义。农家的治学目的、治学方法以及民生关怀精神对当前学术研究和学风建设具有一定启示作用。
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